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FAQs: Your Questions, Answered!

Curious about my vision, policies, and plans for our schools? Find answers to the most common questions here and learn how together we can make a difference for our students and community.


Why are you running for school board?

I have been a volunteer in our community and schools for over two decades. I have seen first hand the wonderful work we, as a community, can do when we work together. Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District has given so much to my family, I want the chance to give back and to help restore its award winning reputation.  As an educator I want to use my knowledge of the educational system and my experience to rebuild the bridge between the school board, parents, students and teachers.  Divisiveness and partisan politics do not improve academic achievement. We need to get back to the basics, providing a quality education for all students, supporting all of our academic, arts and athletic programs as well as preparing students to become productive citizens.    


Do you support charter schools?

Yes, I believe that all parents have the right to select what school fits their own students' needs. District-run charter schools can be an asset for PYLUSD and our enrollment. Our district currently offers quality programs that meet different students’ needs. Charter schools should complement our district, not take resources or funds from current programs.


What’s your position on teaching CRT?

I can assure you that my two PYLUSD graduates were never taught this academic and legal framework. CRT is a graduate-level course at a university level. I support an accurate teaching of historical events. Ensuring students and teachers can have open discussions is a crucial part of creating critical thinking skills. Social studies curriculum should follow the California State Standards. 


What are your thoughts on parents’ rights?

As a teacher, parents are always welcome in the classroom, and parent involvement is encouraged. Parents have always had rights in our educational system. Legal documents, such as information in a student’s permanent files, are not allowed to be changed without parent permission. This law has never changed, even with the passing of AB 1955. I do believe that parents should be notified if their child is dealing with difficult issues. PYLUSD has a system in place to help parents and students. Resources can be provided with parent permission. 


What do you think about the new Universal Sports Institute? 

I support the creation of new academies or programs if they are well-planned, carefully budgeted, and beneficial to the majority of our students without diverting funds from existing programs. 

I am a supporter of our district athletic programs. My own children participated in football, wrestling and cheerleading at El Dorado High School. Being a parent of a Big10 division 1 athlete, I know first hand how much it takes for elite athletes to succeed. 

However, fiscal transparency is essential when managing taxpayer funds. Allocating $3,000,000 to just 1% of our students raises concerns, particularly given the lack of a current or long-term written budget. 


Tricia Quintero for School Board 2024 FPPC ID: 1468284
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